Writing A Nonfiction Book – The 4 Most Important Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before You Begin

Writing a nonfiction book can be very simple. If you’re thinking, “Well, that’s simply not true. Writing a nonfiction book takes years!” then I’m here to tell you, writing a book is only as difficult as you make it. If you start writing without a plan, you’ll definitely find yourself in a mess that is expensive to fix. That’s why I’ve put together a list of 4 simple questions every business professional needs to ask themselves before starting on their nonfiction book writing journey:

#1 – Why are you writing this nonfiction book?

There is nothing more important to explore than your motivation behind your book. Do you hope to educate or entertain – or both? Do you wish to inspire people or warn them about potential mistakes? Of course, there’s no reason your book can’t do both, but having a goal before you begin typing will allow you to have a more streamlined (and easy) writing process.

#2 – Who are you writing it for?

Knowing your audience is the key to making a real difference with your book; if not for anything else, then just to avoid making it all about you. (Yes, I really did say that!) You want your reader to feel like you’re talking to them and just them, and to do that, you need to know what kind of people you want holding your book. If you’re a business owner looking to use your book to inspire, who are seeking to motivate? Who is your ideal client? If you’re a chiropractor looking to help your patients get and stay healthy, write it with them in mind! This will not only make you cater your words to the perfect set of ears but also assist you with your marketing plans in the long run.

#3 – What do you want your book to do for you?

When you’re done deciding the more foundational aspects of your plan, it’s time to think more practically. Sure, you want your book to make the reader happy, inspired and educated, but what do you want it to do for you? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — no, I’m not talking about book sales. Do you want your book to establish you as an authority in your industry? Perhaps help you get speaking opportunities or that next big client? Having a set idea for what you want to gain from your book will help you structure it in a way that maximizes its benefits.

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#4 – What’s in it for the reader?

And lastly, a dose of practicality on the reader’s end. You’re writing a nonfiction book; it’s a good book, you know it, we know it, but there’s a million good books out there. Why should someone spend time on yours? You are essentially asking someone to give up hours and hours of their precious time to read your book, so there has to be value for them. This is where you combine your answers for question 1 and question 2 — how can you convey your intended message to your intended audience in a way that convinces them you’re the real estate person or the small business owner or the consultant to go to?

Keeping the above 4 questions in mind will help you create a solid plan for your book, even before you begin writing.

If you would like to learn more about how we can help you write a book, please watch the video on this page: How We Create Best Selling Authors


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